Simplifying Technical Documentation

Technical Manuals in Transportation

In transportation services, where complexity often reigns, Konekt has made a significant stride in simplifying technical documentation in collaboration with Siemens through their Documentation. This initiative marks a pivotal step in making technical information more accessible and user-friendly.

Simplifying Complex Information

Siemens, a global powerhouse in technology and engineering, is known for its sophisticated transportation solutions. However, the technical manuals associated with these services can be daunting, posing a challenge for users who need quick and clear information. Recognizing this gap, Konekt stepped in with iDOC, an innovative approach to distill and simplify these technical documents.

The Philosophy of Simplicity

Konekt embraced the philosophy that “sometimes it's good to have a simple mind” when tackling the complexity of Siemens' technical manuals. This mindset was crucial in breaking down intricate technical jargon and concepts into more digestible, easy-to-understand formats. The goal was to ensure that users from all backgrounds could comprehend and utilize the information without being overwhelmed.

Benefits in Transportation Services

For Siemens' transportation services, the impact of this transformation is significant. With simplified manuals, operators, technicians, and users can navigate technical processes more quickly and confidently. This enhances user experience and improves safety practices, as more precise manuals lead to better understanding and errors in handling complex transportation systems.

Konekt’s Role in Text Management

Konekt's role in this project extended beyond just simplification. Their work encompassed the entire spectrum of text management, ensuring that the technical manuals were simplified and optimized for better usability. This involved careful editing, layout adjustments, and integrating user-friendly design elements.


The collaboration between iDOC, Siemens, and Konekt has set a new standard in technical documentation for transportation services. By embracing simplicity and user-centric design, they have demonstrated that even the most complex information can be made approachable and easy to understand. This project is a testament to Konekt’s expertise in making technical content accessible and to the continuous efforts of Siemens to enhance customer experience in the transportation sector.

What we did: Proofreading - optimization - simplification of technical documentation